Tuesday, February 26, 2019

UK Launches First National Data Repository for Oil and Gas

The first National Data Repository (NDR) for the UK Oil and Gas industry is set for launch in early 2019 from the Oil and Gas Association (OGA). The repository will be used to store and publish information relating to petroleum in one collection, including infrastructure, well, field and geophysical data, delivering inward investment and added value to the UK. You can learn more about what an NDR is and how it works in the PDF attachment to this post.

Operational Agreement
An agreement has been reached between the OGA and Common Data Access Limited (CDA) regarding the operation of the NDR. It is hoped that this agreement will help the OGA as it works to unlock new North Sea resources. This would be good news for oil and gas companies with operations in the North Sea, including independent oil and gas exploration and production company Nobel Upstream. Nobel Upstream has recently acquired a stake in the Maclure field in the North Sea and continues to actively pursue more opportunities in the region that meet the technical and economic criteria of the company. Nobel Upstream, together with its partner Maersk Oil (since acquired by Total) successfully appraised the South Maclure prospect and is now developing this multi-million barrel oil field.

Critical Digital Infrastructure
The launch of the NDR will introduce a critical aspect of digital infrastructure to the UK oil and gas industry. Definitive information will be provided through the NDR to help unlock the remaining resources of the UK Continental Shelf. Extra value will be delivered for the sector by the OGA through the provision of trusted, enhanced data on the widest terms possible. The deal between the OGA and CDA, which is an Oil & Gas UK subsidiary, is for two years of operation of the NDR, which builds on the CDA’s 20-year existing service. A procurement process has commenced for the OGA-operated NDR, with an expected service commencement date in 2021.
The NDR is a key component in the delivery of Vision 2035, stated OGA’s director of corporate Nic Granger. You can learn more about Vision 2035 in the embedded infographic.

Data Collection
CDA has been working in collaboration with the oil and gas industry in the UK for 25 years, said Malcolm Fleming, chief executive of CDA. A unique collection has therefore been established of well and seismic information on the UK Continental Shelf, which will be placed at the centre of the new NDR. This will ensure data preservation as well as making it available for disclosure to all under conditions of open licence and for sharing among all licensees. It is expected that the NDR will prove to be a resource of inestimable value to technology innovators. These innovators will be able to use the data provided to work on solutions for the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to meet the challenge of searching deep in the subsurface to locate deposits of oil and gas.

The provision of data through the NDR will help achieve MER UK as well as delivering extra value to the oil and gas investment sector. You can find an overview of MER UK in the short video attachment to this post.

OGA Open Data Centre
The launch of the new NDR is part of the ongoing objective of the OGA to make more information and data available openly with a view to facilitating performance improvements within the oil and gas industry in the UK. As part of this mission, the OGA Open Data Centre, which provides free, user-friendly access to a vast range of data, has recently been upgraded. The Centre includes data that can be shared, downloaded, charted, mapped, styled or viewed under the Open Government Licence terms and conditions.

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